Thursday, October 20, 2011

So, as many of you may know, I have a severe wheat allergy. 
We're talkin "must carry an epipen at all times" serious. 
But I don.t let it get me down :)

Anyways, quick-food, that doesn't contain wheat(gluten) is almost impossible to find. And the quick-food that you can find, is horribly expensive. 
So, I make my own, and freeze leftovers. 

This is how I freeze my chili. 
(Let me know if you want the chili recipe. And yes, there are potatoes in it.)

Ok, so here it goes. 

Things you need: 
1) A big pot of chili leftovers
2) 1 ladle
3) 1 cup-size measuring cup, or something else with a spout to poor easily from.
4) Quart size zip seal bags (Or other sizes. Such as if you have a large family, you can probably use gallon, because you'll need to feed more people. Or if you want to create quick lunches use sandwich size.). This might go without saying, but the bags need to be freezer bags. 
5) 1 large measuring cup, or bowl (you'll place the bags in this to hold them, so use a cup/bowl that will fit your bag best.)
6) A freezer

Step 1: Get your chili ready!
 Step 2: Get your cup-size measuring cup ready. (As you can tell, I was already half-way through my process when I decided to do this haha!)
 Step 3: Get your freezer bags ready. Dont forget to label the bag with the contents and date. Sometimes when things are frozen for a while, you cant recognize it, and have no idea when you made it. I wouldnt keep this past a year.
 Step 4: Fold the top of the bag over (you dont want chili, or other soup bits, getting into the zipper parts).
Fold the top over one more time, just to be safe. With this second fold, the zipper parts should be covered by the bag. Then, place the bag in the big measuring cup, or bowl.
 Step 5: Ladle some chili into the one-cup measuring cup.
 Step 6: Pour the chili, or soup into the bag. You might have to hold up the edge of the bag while you fill the first part just to make sure it doesn't collapse on itself.
 Step 7: Keep filling the bag until it is as full as you want.
 Step 8: Unfold the top of the bag.
 Step 9: Zip the bag so that there is still about an inch or so open.
 Step 10: Push down on the bag to get the air out. Air is bad for freezing.
 Step 11: Seal it, and marvel at your work :)
 Step 12: Put all your bags upright in a big bowl or cup or whatever you have that will hold them upright so that the bags dont bust, or so that soup doesnt freeze into all the zipper stuff.

Final Step: After the chili, or soup, is frozen, you can remove them from the bowl and just put them in your freezer.

Thanks :)

Lemme know what you think!!!